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Glossary definition: Access Control System

Access Control Systems: Secure Your Premises

An access control system is a security system that manages and monitors access to a physical facility, building, or area, or to a logical resource, such as a computer system, network, or application. Access control systems are typically used to control who can enter and exit a building, or who can access a particular area or resource. Access control systems can be as simple as a lock and key, or as complex as an integrated network of sensors, biometric readers, and computerized access control systems. Access control systems allow for the authorization of individuals to enter certain areas and the restriction of unauthorized individuals from entering those areas. Access control systems can also be used to monitor and control access to digital resources, such as computer networks, applications, and databases. Access control systems are used in a variety of settings, including government buildings, corporate offices, educational institutions, and private residences. Access control systems provide a layer of security, allowing for the monitoring and control of access to physical and digital resources.