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Glossary definition: Access Control

Access Control: Securing Your Data

Access control is the process of granting or denying specific requests to obtain information or resources from a particular system. It is a security measure designed to limit access to a system, service, or resource to only those authorized users, processes, or other systems that have been granted permission to access it. Access control systems are used to protect data, networks, and other resources from unauthorized access. Access control is a critical component of security and is used to protect confidential information, prevent unauthorized access to systems, and protect against malicious activities. Access control can be implemented in a variety of ways, including physical security, logical security, and biometric security. Physical security measures involve the use of locks, fences, and other physical barriers to prevent unauthorized access. Logical security measures involve the use of passwords, encryption, and other digital security measures to protect data and resources from unauthorized access. Biometric security measures involve the use of biometric data such as fingerprints, voice recognition, and facial recognition to verify the identity of a user before granting access.