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Glossary definition: Threat Modeling Frameworks And Methodologies

Threat Modeling: Frameworks & Methodologies

Threat Modeling Frameworks and Methodologies are a set of concepts, processes, and techniques used to identify, analyze, and respond to potential threats to an organization’s information systems. These frameworks and methodologies are designed to help organizations better understand their security posture and identify areas of vulnerability. The goal of threat modeling is to provide an organized approach to understanding the threats that an organization faces and to provide a framework for taking appropriate actions to reduce or eliminate those threats. A threat model typically includes a threat assessment, risk analysis, and a strategy for mitigating any identified threats. The assessment typically includes identifying the assets that need to be protected, the threats posed to those assets, the likelihood of those threats, and the potential impact of those threats. Risk analysis includes understanding the potential risks associated with each threat, the potential cost of those risks, and the potential mitigation strategies available. Finally, the strategy for mitigating threats includes a plan for deploying countermeasures and monitoring the effectiveness of those countermeasures.